Wednesday, December 27, 2006

EU:n 7. puiteohjelma ja Kiina-yhteistyön mahdollisuuksia

Ensimmäiset haut ovat avautuneet. Tällä sivulla on osittainen katsaus hakuaikoihin ja huomioita Kiina-asioista perustuen joidenkin työohjelmien teksteihin. On huomattava että vaikka Kiinaa ei mainita usein erikseen, se on silti usein mukana kategorioissa developing countries sekä third countries.

Terveys FP7-HEALTH-2007-A
Ensimmäinen haku sulkeutuu 19.4.2007.

Vaikka muutkin hakukohdat ovat avoimia Kiina-yhteistyölle, Kiina nousee erityisesti esille toisessa haussa joka sulkeutuu 18.9.2007:

Topic for Specific International Cooperation Action (SICA)
− HEALTH-2007-2.1.2-7: Traditional Chinese Medicine in post-genomic era.
The focus should be to promote and support networking and coordination of research activities applying functional genomics in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Elintarvikkeet, maatalous, biotech FP7-KBBE-2007-1
Ensimmäinen haku sulkeutuu 2.5.2007.

Vaikka Kiinaa ei mainita työohjelmassa erikseen, pelkällä otsikkotasolla voisin kuvitella että Kiina-yhteistyönkannalta löytyy relevanssia ainakin näistä teemoista: Food processing, Food quality and safety, Life Sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food processes, Improved biomass and plant based renewables, Bioprocesses, Environmental biotechnologies; Use of waste and by-products.

Tieto- ja viestintäteknologiat FP7-ICT-2007-1 ja FP7-ICT-2007-C
Ensimmäinen haku sulkeutuu 8.5.2007

Relevantteja yhteistyösektoreita on varmasti useita, mutta työohjelmassa mainitaan erikseen sana Kiina muutamassa kohdassa.

To improve cooperation in the development of standards and interoperable solutions and in roadmapping in order to enable the wider uptake of the results of European research and to improve the competitiveness of European industry... Depending on the areas addressed, they will target industrialised regions such as the USA and Japan and/or emerging economies such as China, Russia, India and Latin America.
Objective ICT-2007-1.3: ICT in support of the networked enterprise... Funding schemes: CP, CSA (one CA for coordination of EU activities on RFID and one SA for global RFID related standardisation activities involving in particular organisations from China, Japan, Korea and USA)

Nanotiede, materiaalit, uudet tuotantomenetelmät
Ensimmäiset haut sulkeutuvat 4.5.2007.

Työohjelmasta poimittua:

International Cooperation... Specific actions may include:
...-specific initiatives to promote the participation in the NMP Theme of emerging economies and developing countries to secure their access to advanced knowledge. These initiatives will consist of technical workshops and similar events, in particular in the fields of materials sciences and nanomaterials, in order to identify topics of mutual interest for future coordinated calls and other initiatives for fostering cooperation. Initial contacts have been established with third countries such as China, India and Russia.

NMP-2007-2.1-1 Nanostructured polymer-matrix composites
...This research area is particularly well suited for cooperation with Third Countries (e.g. United States, Russia, China, India).

NMP-2007-2.5-2 Modelling of microstructural evolution under work conditions and in materials processing... This research area is particularly well suited for cooperation with Third Countries (e.g. United States, Russia, China, India).

Ensimmäinen haku sulkeutuu 3.5.2007

Kiina-sana mainitaan työohjelmassa monissa kohdissa:

Topic ENERGY.2007.5&6.2.6: Support to international collaboration in zero emission power generation (China)

Call for Tender:
Support to the promotion of International Cooperation (The aim of this action is to organise and conduct a dynamic dialogue between Europe and targeted ICPC namely China, India, Russia, LA and the MPC around specific areas to jointly set up research topics, projects and/or programme(s) of common interest and identify cooperation mechanisms – one Lot per targeted region). Call for Coordination and Support Actions (support type) expected to be published in 1Q 2007.

Topic ENERGY.2007.2.3.2: External conditions, resource assessment and forecasting for wind energy... The participation of partners from third countries, in particular India and China, is encouraged. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY-2007-1-RTD

Topic ENERGY.2007.6.2.1: Poly-generation concepts for coal fired power plants... Collaboration with Chinese organisations is desired in this project within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU the People's Republic of China on Zero Emission Power Plants, specifically on coal to liquid technologies. Interested parties are advised to contact the Ministry of Science of the People's Republic of China prior to submitting a proposal. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY-2007-2-TREN

Topic ENERGY.2007.5&6.1.1: Feasibility study and development of an integrated solution for a large scale zero emission fossil fuel power plant... International Cooperation depending on the progress of the implementation of the MoU EU-China, the participation of Chinese organisations in this project may be envisaged. Interested Chinese partners are strongly recommended to contact MOST before preparing or submitting proposals. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY-2007-1-RTD

Topic ENERGY.2007.5&6.2.1: Support to regulatory activities for CO2 capture and storage... The involvement of SMEs is particularly encouraged in this topic. All work must be done in the spirit of the ECCP II exercise and the planned follow-up Commission Communication on CO2 capture and storage. International collaboration is strongly recommended for this topic, especially with member countries of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, and more specifically with the largest emerging economies, namely China, India, Brazil, South Africa. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY-2007-1-RTD

Topic ENERGY.2007.5&6.2.5: Extending the value chain for GHG emissions other than CO2 associated with coal production and use... Collaborative Project (small or medium scale focused project), aiming at the recovery and utilisation of methane from coal mining (alternatively oil production) is envisaged in support of technology transfer to less developed M2M member countries (incl. China, India, Russia etc).

Topic ENERGY.2007.5&6.2.6: Support to international collaboration in zero emission power generation... Work should cover the monitoring, coordination and reporting tasks in support of the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and the people's Republic of China on Near Zero Emission Coal, aimed at collaboration for the demonstration in China and the EU of near zero emission generation of power and alternative fuels... Successful outcome of the exploratory phase of the MoU will pave the way for the construction in China of a demonstration plant with carbon dioxide capture and storage technology. The adoption by China and other emerging economies of CCS technology is essential for the wide use of abundant coal resources compatible with environmental constraints.

Topic ENERGY.2007.10.0.1: Optimise EU action through a better coordination of the international cooperation initiatives of the EU and Member States (ERA-NET)... The targeted regions for this action are China, India, Russia, LAC, MED. The participation of a partner from the targeted countries/ regions is recommended.
Open in call: FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD

Ympäristö ja ilmastontutkimus FP7-ENV-2007-1
Sulkeutuu 2.5.2007. Työohjelmassa ei mainita Kiinaa erikseen.

Liikenne ja ilmailu
Haku sulkeutuu 3.5.2007. Kiina mainitaan useissa kohdissa työohjelmassa.

Turvallisuus FP7-SEC-2007-1
Haku sulkeutuu 31.5.2007. Sanaa Kiina ei mainita erikseen työohjelmassa.

INCO, mm FP7-INCO-2007-1

Työhjelmassa Kiina mainitaan päätekstissä ERA-NET:tien kohdalla.

ERA-NET actions can network four types of activities:
(1) Information exchange amongst Member States and Community on S&T international cooperation thus promoting an effective and efficient international scientific EU cooperation strategy at EU level;
(2) Definition and preparation of joint activities;
(3) Implementation of commonly agreed objectives and joint activities by facilitating innovative programmatic approaches;
(4) Funding of joint trans-national research actions.

ERA-NETs launched under FP6 wishing to submit a follow-up proposal under FP7 have to propose a strong coordination action focusing directly on steps three and four. As such, these proposals shall aim to broaden the partnership and/or deepen the coordination between the relevant national programmes in the concerned field. In particular, a global approach including non-European research programmes is encouraged.

New ERA-NETs, which address new topics and without any experience from FP6, should address at least the first three steps, but are encouraged to aim at the “four step approach”, as described above.

The ERA NETs should cover the international S&T cooperation with preferably one region of the world as defined in section 1. Projects targeting a single country or several regions may be allowed if:

  • The country concerned may be considered individually as a region, i.e. Brazil, China, India or Russia;
  • The grouping of regions may be appropriate to reflect a more global strategy on global international subjects from the programme managers.

The networking activities should focus on horizontal issues and not give preference to a single thematic area which will be dealt with in the Themes of the Cooperation programme. The networking actions shall not apply in the case of actions whose purpose is to coordinate research activities.

Lisäksi mm. Ihmiset-ohjelman alta voidaan rahoittaa Kiinaan liittyvää yhteistyötä vaikka sielläkään ei sitä erikseen mainita. Ohjelmalla edistetään tutkijoiden koulutusta, urakehitystä ja pyritään lisäämään Euroopan houkuttelevuutta tutkijoille ympäri maailmaa ns. Marie Curie -toimien kautta. Rahoitusta myönnetään mm. Eurooppaan tulevan muun kuin eurooppalaisen tutkijan tutkimustyöhön, esim. kiinalainen tutkija voidaan palkata Suomeen töihin, tai voidaan tukea eurooppalaisen tutkijan siirtymistä Euroopan ulkopuolelle, esim. Kiinaan tutkimustyöhön (ml. tutkijan paluu kotimaahan)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Clean technology

The Times of India kirjoittaa venture capitalista 12.12.2006:
  • An analysis by VentureOne and Ernst & Young found $761.4 million has been invested in "clean technology" — firms that cause little or no pollution — on a worldwide basis so far this year, up 50% from $504.1 million invested in the first three quarters of 2005.
  • China had nine such deals, with $74 million invested to date.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Kiinan maaseutu digitaaliseksi

Kiinan tietoteollisuuden varaministeri kommentoi juuri Hongkongissa käynnissä olevassa ITU Telecom World -tapahtumassa maaseudun digitalisointia ja kehotti ulkomaalaisia yrityksiä toimimaan asian edistämiseksi.

  • China targeted that by 2020 every village in China will have telephone connections and every township will have Internet access.
  • ICT is also benefiting local farmers, as 80% of agricultural authorities have created Web sites providing farming information.



Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Kylin, kiinalainen palvelinkäyttöjärjestelmä valmis

Kansan päivälehti ilmoitti eilen etusivullaan että kotimainen Kylin Server OS on valmis. Se perustuu FreeBSD:hen. Pacific Epoch kirjoitti myös asiasta.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Kasinotalous kiinalaisin erityispiirtein

Kuulin juuri Shenzhenissä huhun että jonnekin aavikolle keskelle köyhää läntistä Kiinaa rakennetaan casino, osana alueen talouden kehittämistoimia. Uhkapelaaminen on ollut Kiinassa kiellettyä.

Tässä on varmasti ollut innoittajana Macao, joka palautui 1999 Kiinan hallintaan autonomisena erityishallintoalueena, oltuaan 442 vuotta Portugalin siirtomaa. Aavikkosijaintia lienee inspiroinut Las Vegas...

Xinhua kirjoitti toukokuussa 2006:
  • The region's GDP growth is to range between 15 percent and 20 percent in the first quarter... The Macao's economy growth relies much on the gaming industry, which dominates over 35 percent of the region's GDP... As the visitor flow is keeping getting stronger, the casino industry will keep its rising trend, ensuring the 2006 GDP growth rate a two-digit bottom line, the Macao Daily News predicted. kirjoittaa:
  • Total gambling capacity, measured in gaming tables, is planned to grow by about 300% over the next 5 to 8 years.
  • Much of Macau's textile industry may move to the mainland as the Multi-Fiber Agreement is phased out. The territory may have to rely more on gambling and trade-related services to generate growth.
  • Macau's explosive double-digit economic boom began in 2003. The GDP growth in 2004 of 28% was driven by foreign investments associated with the expansion of the gaming and related industries, increasing tourist arrivals from China and government-led infrastructure development.
  • Gambling has been licensed since 1850 and has always been an important source of revenue for the government. In the early 1960s, gambling provided 50% of Macau's official revenue.
  • GDP - purchasing power parity - $11.5 billion (2005 est.) GDP - real growth rate: 16.3% (2006 Qtr. 2) GDP - per capita: purchasing power parity - $24,300 (2005 est.) GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 0.1% industry: 7.2% services: 92.7% (2002 est)
Macaossa on noin 500000 asukasta.