Thursday, December 27, 2007

Onko USA menettämässä asemaansa tieteessä?

Based on the Science Citation Index–Expanded web-version, the USA is still by far the strongest nation in terms of scientific performance. Its relative decline in percentage share of publications is largely due to the emergence of China and other Asian nations.


Kiinan valtioneuvosto hyväksyi kolme uutta teknologian kehityshanketta

Hankkeet ovat:
  • next-generation communication network
  • water pollution control project
  • drug innovation project

Xinhuan uutinen täällä.

Japani suunnittelee Shanghaita nopeampaa Maglev-junaa

Juna kulkisi 70 km/h nopeammin ja 10 kertaa pidemmän matkan kuin Shanghain Maglev.


Peking-Shanghai nopean junayhteyden rakentaminen alkaa tammikuussa 2008

Peking-Shanghai -välin nopean junayhteyden rakentaminen alkaa China Dailyn mukaan tammikuussa 2008.
  • Projekti valmistuu 2013.
  • Radan pituus 1318 km.
  • Junan huippunopeus 350 km/h.
  • Kustannus yli 20 miljardia euroa.

China White Paper on Energy


Dataa kiinalaisista yrityshautomoista

Xinhuan uutisesta:
  • Kiinassa on 548 hautomoa
  • Niissä on kasvatettu 19896 yritystä, joista 569:llä on yli 10 miljoonan euron kokoinen liikevaihto ja 53 on kotimaisessa tai ulkomaisessa pörssissä
  • Tällä hetkellä Kiinan hautomoissa on 41434 yritystä, jotka tarjoavat työpaikan 460000:lle ihmiselle
  • Vuoteen 2010 mennessä tavoite: 1000 hautomoa joissa yli 50000 yritystä ja yli miljoona työpaikkaa

Aasian maiden pyrkimys uusiksi piilaaksoiksi

Looking for Silicon Valley's Edge in Asia

Raitiovaunut palaavat Shanghaihin

Xinhua uutisoi.

Raitiolinjan alkupiste sijaitsee suomalaisen Finchi-innovaatiokeskuksen vieressä.

200 miljoonan euron venture capital -rahasto Tianjin Binhai New Districtiin

Xinhuan uutinen.

Intialainen open source -hanke lääkekehitykseen

The Economic Times Reports:

For the first time ever, India plans to launch an innovate drug discovery programme roping in global IT firms, researchers, companies, and young minds at scientific laboratories to invent drugs at a fraction of the cost of an MNC-developed drug. Drug discovery has hitherto been the forte of MNC pharma giants.

The government has begun discussions with Sun Microsystems to set up web-management tools for an ‘open source’ drug discovery project, which works similar to a popular online encyclopaedia formed by articles contributed and edited by the brightest minds worldwide. The first project would be to develop medicines for tuberculosis and later extend to other diseases like malaria and AIDS.

Lisää täällä.

Kiinan internet-yritykset: kopiointia vai innovointia?

"I have asked some of these entrepreneurs why they are copying existing businesses instead of starting something new and different. The resounding answer was that investors are more likely to invest in businesses they both understand and have proven success stories."

"If China really wants to match the creativity and innovation development at US, please devote the effort towards "local" innovation. Otherwise, the introduction of VC in China will be very similar to the introduction of stock market in China decades ago. We had the domestic stock market but we didn't have the foundation underneath it such as American legal system and fully empowered security regulation watchdog. It's like we have the top of Pyramid which is most noticeable from far away but lack the base."

Koko juttu täällä.

Kaksi uutta ympäristöklusteria kehitteillä Kiinaan

"The Chinese government had recently announced plans to establish 2 clusters in central China, namely "Wuhan Cluster" in Hubei province and "Changzhutan Cluster" in Hunan province, to be dedicated areas of sustainable development."

Koko juttu täällä.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Kiina lupaa USA:lle varmistaa elintarvike- ja lääketurvallisuuden

"China has agreed to certify the safety of exported food, drugs and medical devices, creating tracking systems and sharing more information about companies with the United States" MarketWatch 11.12.2007

Kiinalainen tahkoaa rahaa aurinkokennoilla

Solar wafer maker Peng Xiaofeng

"When I travelled around Europe in 2003, the big discussion was renewable energy and I saw a big opportunity in China," he told Reuters in Bali, where some 190 countries are meeting to try to launch two-year talks on a global climate change pact to extend or replace the Kyoto Protocol after 2012.

Linkki juttuun.

Energiatehokas pilvenpiirtäjä aukeaa Guangzhoussa 2009

Linkki juttuun.