Thursday, January 03, 2008

ICT-sektorin tapahtumia Kiinassa 2007

ChinaTechNewsin kirjoittaja nosti esille seuraavat mielestään merkittävimpinä teemoina vuodelle 2007:

1) Alibaba IPO, "China technology news story of the year" - closed at HK$39.50 from their HK$13.50 offer price.

2) All Things Digital Video: Video on desktop and mobile interfaces hit a solid stride in 2007.

3) Tech Grows China's Northeast: Intel's opening of operations in the Dalian High-Tech Industrial Zone, Oracle Shenyang plant, Shui On Land: new software park in Dalian... British Telecom also pledged about US$70 million for development in China, with the money split between Shanghai and Dalian.

Tämä kuvastaa osaltaan pienempien "toisen tason kaupunkien" nousua kilpailemaan Pekingin, Shanghain ja muiden isojen kehittyneiden alueiden rinnalle.

4) Online Gaming: I am bearish on the Chinese gaming sector (there are too many start-ups publishing too many titles for gamers who concentrate on only playing a handful of games) but I can't deny that gaming in China is huge and we covered many stories in 2007 about this sector.

5) WVAS/MVAS Failure: companies in the Chinese mobile and wireless value-added services sector had a very rough year in 2007.