Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kiinan puolijohdemarkkinat kasvussa

EMSNow kertoo: IDC ennustaa Kiinan markkinoiden kasvavan 28 miljardiin US dollariin 2011 mennessä.

Pointteja analyysista:
  • technologies continue to lag behind
  • must keep in mind the dynamic characteristics of the Chinese market and the strong influence of the local government
  • top 10 Chinese IDMs focus on the foundry market, although a few have their own products
  • largest capacity distribution of China fabs was represented by 8-inch wafer lines, followed by the 6-inch and 12-inch capacity
  • consolidation is expected among the domestic Chinese
  • computing semiconductor segment will account for over 62% of the total China semiconductor market in 2011, with remarkable growth from the portable PC and server
  • digital consumer semiconductor segment will maintain healthy growth
  • 3G launch in China is critical to maintain market momentum in the mobile phone arena
Kiinan koko puolijohdemarkkinan koko muissa lähteissä:
45 miljardia USD vuonna 2006, 52 mrd vuonna 2007. Näissä luvuissa on näemmä käytetty erilaista markkinan määritelmää (design, valmistus, pakkaus jne..)

Täällä SIA:n dataa globaalista markkinasta.

Aihepiiriin liittyviä linkkejä:
Semiconductor Industry Association
World Semiconductor Council
China Semiconductor Industry Association


Asia Semiconductor Pioneer Forum helmikuussa Shanghaissa

IC Market China 2008 helmikuussa Shanghaissa

Semicon China 2008 maaliskuussa Shanghaissa

7th International Semiconductor Technology Conference (ISTC2008) maaliskuussa Shanghaissa

China Electronics Fair, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Xi'an, eri aikoina 2008

North American Chinese Semiconductor Association Kiinan matkalla huhti-toukokuussa 2008

Guangzhou electronics exhibition toukokuussa

MRS International Materials Research Conference kesäkuussa Chongqingissa

Beijing global summit for semiconductor industry kesäkuussa

IC China 2008 syyskuussa Suzhoussa

China SMT Forum marraskuussa Shanghaissa

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Georgia Tech: Kiina ohittamassa USA:ta hitech-indikaattoreissa

Juttu SciDev.netissä.

The report found that the United States and Japan have both fallen in relative technological ranking because of the dramatic rise of China and other nations like South Korea and Singapore.

"When you take China's low-cost manufacturing and focus on technology, then combine them with the increasing emphasis on research and development, the result ultimately won't leave much room for other countries," says co-author Alan Porter, co-director of the Georgia Tech Technology Policy and Assessment Centre.

Porter told SciDev.Net that he agrees China is still lagging behind in basic research. "But if we step back, the trend over two decades is strongly upward on both input and output indicators. I see strong signs of rising Chinese strength in basic science and technologies," he says.

Kiina valmistaa maglev-tuulivoimaloita

Zhongke Hengyuan alkaa valmistaa maglev-turbiineja.

Suomen pankin Kiina-tilastopalvelu

Täältä löytyy taulukko.