Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Krooniset sairaudet Kiinassa - WHO varoittaa

WHO julkaisi keväällä 2006 globaalin raportin kroonisista sairauksista. Kiinankielisen raportin julkistustilaisuudessa otettiin esille mm. seuraavia asioita:

  • "When we examine all the causes of death in China, we see that almost 80% of all deaths were from chronic disease – with cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke being responsible for a third of all deaths. Cancer and chronic respiratory diseases are also major causes of mortality. Just a note to add: the impact of diabetes is underestimated because although people may live for years with diabetes, their deaths are usually recorded as being caused by heart disease or kidney failure."
  • "Our report shows that many countries will forego billions in national income over the next 10 years as a result of premature deaths caused by heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. China could forego 558 billion dollars if it does not act now."
  • "Without action, an estimated 388 million people will die globally from chronic diseases in the next 10 years – over 80 million of those deaths will be in China."

Newstarget kirjoittaa:

  • Country experiencing a 28-fold increase in obesity over a 15-year period from 1985 to 2000
  • less exercise and increased meat consumption and car use
  • increased dietary intake of meat could result in an upcoming epidemic of heart disease or diabetes
  • 14.7 percent of Chinese people are overweight, with 2.6 percent obese